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Our genius is valves ®

Pressure Independent Control Valves

Crane Fluid Systems provide a range of Pressure Independent Control Valves (PICVs) offering accurate control of flow for optimised environmental comfort in variable volume heating and chilled water systems.

New to the range is the Peak Pro PICV you can also watch the video.

Designed and developed in the UK, tested to BSRIA PICV standards and utilising high quality materials, these valves can provide equal percentage performance which delivers optimum control valve authority. Crane Fluid Systems go further to give you the flexibility, offering various actuator options and measuring points, along with a wide differential pressure and flow rate range available.

All of these factors combine to ensure our product will help you to design, deliver and maintain a system which closes the performance gap and enables an energy and cost reduction over its lifetime.

Peak Pro PICV from Crane Fluid Systems
Video Overview Why Choose the Peak Pro How Does It Work? PICV FAQs UK Design & Manufacture

PICV Range

DPIC992F Pressure Independent Control Valve (PICV)DPIC992F Pressure Independent Control Valve (PICV)


  • BIM File Available
DN50 to DN150
DN50 - 150 0.8- 41.7l/s
ACT991M / ACTD995FB / ACTD995FS / ACT991TP / ACT991TH Actuator OptionsACT991M / ACTD995FB / ACTD995FS / ACT991TP / ACT991TH Actuator Options

ACT991M / ACTD995FB / ACTD995FS / ACT991TP / ACT991TH

Actuator Options

D995 Pressure Independent Control Valve (PICV)D995 Pressure Independent Control Valve (PICV)

DN15, DN20, DN25 & DN32

Pressure Independent Control Valve (PICV)

DN15 to DN25: PN25

DN32: PN16

  • BIM File Available
DN15, DN20, DN25 & DN32
DN15: 0.008 - 0.370l/s
DN20: 0.070 - 0.500l/s
DN25: 0.120 - 1.030l/s
DN32: 0.520 - 1.730l/s
D995 Pressure Independent Control Valve (PICV)D995 Pressure Independent Control Valve (PICV)


  • Peak Pro
DN40 & DN50
DN40: 0.39 - 3.00l/s
DN50: 0.69 - 3.80l/s