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Our genius is valves ®

Product Overview

DN65, DN80, DN100, DN125, DN150
DN65: 3.3 – 10.3 l/s
DN80: 6.9 – 16.4 l/s
DN100: 12.5 – 21.4 l/s
DN125: 16.9 – 32.8 l/s
DN150: 22.2 – 49.2 l/s
-10°C - 110°C
Flanged to BS EN 1092-2 PN16

*Please refer to Datasheet for full technical information

D156 Gate Valve -  Brass
  • BIM File Available

DN65, DN80, DN100, DN125, DN150

Electronic Pressure Independent Control Valve (E-PICV)

Crane Fluid Systems Electronic Pressure Independent Control Valve (E-PICV) provides intelligent flow control through a fast and reliable Modbus communication protocol for HVAC applications. Utilising the integrated pressure transducers to regulate flow independently from pressure, the E-PICV is capable of sharing indicated flow rate data with the BMS, enabling operational insight, leading to improved system efficiency and reduced operating costs.

The valve can be set via the BMS, significantly reducing onsite commissioning time. Daisy chaining between actuators results in reduced cable runs and fewer panel connections, therefore offering both labour and material cost savings. The E-PICV allows for rapid fault finding and preventative maintenance ensuring reduced downtime, increased efficiency and cost savings to the building operator.

The combined valve and actuator assembly provides a high configurability and easy integration into a variety of BMS driven HVAC systems.

  • Reduced commissioning time and costs due to the preconfigured actuator settings, allowing the valve to be commissioned and set via the BMS or Crane configurator tool.
  • System optimization possible using the indicated flow rate and position feedback communicated through Modbus connection.
  • Reduced installation labour and cabling costs due to daisy chaining between Modbus actuators.
  • Reduced downtime due to error feedback via the BMS.
  • Optimised system efficiency and user comfort due to fast responding actuator.
  • Isolation function with Class IV leakage up to 800kPa.