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Our genius is valves ®

Product Overview

DN65 to DN150
-10 - 80°C
Ductile Iron

*Please refer to Datasheet for full technical information

ACT991M / ACTD995FB / ACTD995FS / ACT991TP / ACT991TH

Actuator Options

  • ACT991M is a modulating actuator providing proportional (equal percentage) control. This now includes a stem gap detection innovation, which reduces onsite adjustments and results in easier installation and commissioning. The gap detection feature matches the stroke length of the valve during calibration, ensuring the actuator conversion to equal percentage is accurate and gives the desired flow control across all valve settings for the operating differential pressure range.
  • ACTD995FB is a Feedback actuator allowing proportional control with 0-10V with position feedback signal function.
  • ACTD995FS is a Fail Safe actuator designed to protect the equipment and the system from damage, while enhancing overall efficiency
  • ACT991TP is a 3-point actuator (or floating point) electromechanical actuator for use where thermal actuators are not suitable.
  • ACT991TH is a thermal actuator designed for ON/OFF control. Thermal actuators are small, light, and therefore a good choice for confined spaces.
  • All feature an LED for the indication of the operating status.