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Our genius is valves ®

What is WRAS?

The Water Regulations Advisory Scheme, or WRAS, is an accreditation body made up of all the UK’s water suppliers. They promote compliance with the Water Supply (Water Fittings Regulations) in England and Wales, and the equivalent Water Byelaws in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Water Regulation Advisory Scheme

Why Do Crane Fluid Systems Use the WRAS Approval Scheme?

The regulations state that water fittings should not cause waste, misuse, excessive consumption or contamination of the water supply and must be of an appropriate quality.

It is a criminal offence not to comply with the regulations and could result in prosecution. The WRAS approval scheme, whilst not a legal requirement, is the easiest and most reliable way of showing that a fitting is compliant.

Many Crane Fluid Systems Valves have been tested and certified as being WRAS Approved Products and are listed in the Water Fittings and Materials Directory.

WRAS Approved Products can be identified by the WRAS logo on the product page, and the certificates are available to view in our Download section.

View Our WRAS Certificates