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Our genius is valves ®

Flow Management Systems – Dominator

Alongside the Crane FS range of static balancing valves, the company can also offer a range of bespoke Flow Management Systems designed to work within fixed and variable flow systems. Dominators are prefabricated units that combine the essential control components and connecting pipework in one compact module ready for simple on site connection. These systems are assembled to order for specific projects.

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To meet the growing use of variable speed pumps for HVAC applications Differential Pressure Control Valves are available specifically aimed at optimising a systems performance. Extremely efficient, the DPVC is set to a maximum differential pressure limit, under dynamic balancing conditions, which ensures flow cannot exceed a desired rate. It therefore helps reduce energy consumption, the risk of noise and simplifies the commissioning process.

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Offers an excellent solution for the control of water flow rates, and therefore comfort control and energy savings when used as part of a variable volume system design. It is an excellent choice for installations incorporating fan coil units or chilled beams. The PICV combines the functions of the DPCV, flow regulation, and 2 Port Control valves, into a single valve.

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Static Balancing Valves

Flow measurement and regulating valves have a requirement to provide energy efficient solutions, i.e. minimising pressure losses, while still allowing for measurable values as part of the commissioning process. Crane FS flow measurement and regulating valves enable systems design engineers to specify standard production valves which will conform to the various system design options arising from current H&V technology, energy conservation considerations and standards legislation.

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